Saturday, June 19, 2010

Snider's Catsup, 1915

Snider's Catsup, 1915, originally uploaded by Gatochy.

From Taschen's "All-American Ads 1900-1919". Click image for 595 x 887 size.

"Bellow we have shown some of the ingredients of Snider's Catsup

Fried Oyster Recipe

One pint large oysters; one-half cup milk; one-half cup Snider's Tomato Catsup; onde-half teaspoon salt. Mix Thoroughly the flour, milk, Catsup and salt; dip oysters into mixture, then roll them in cracker crumbs. Fry in sweet, fresh lard, butter or olive oil until a dark brown. Serve very hot.

Snider's Catsup in Scrambled Eggs

A tablespoon of Snider's Catsup to every two eggs. Thoroughly heat the butter and catsup in scrambling pan; then pour in the eggs and thoroughly scramble while cooking.

Brown Gravy Recipe

One tablespoon of Snider's Catsup to all thick gravies for each person to be served.

T. A. Snider Preserve Co.
Chicago, U. S. A."

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